ADHD Assessments
An ADHD assessment is not a matter of ticking boxes on a clinical checklist to reach a verdict. At Springboard, we take the time to listen to your personal story. Your diagnosis shouldn’t feel like a top-down decision. It can only come through a deep, collaborative discussion that helps you better understand yourself from all angles: where you’ve been, where you are now and where you want to go next. Our role is to walk alongside you, providing guidance, insights — and hope.
We offer four kinds of ADHD assessments for clients of all ages:
Springboard Benchmark ADHD Assessment
Interdisciplinary ADHD/mental health assessment combining psychological evaluation with medical guidance. Available in Ontario and Nova Scotia.
Springboard Psychological ADHD Assessment
ADHD/mental health assessment focused on psychological evaluation. Available in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Springboard One Day ADHD Assessment
An interdisciplinary ADHD/mental health assessment for children, teens and adults evaluating attention and behavioural challenges impacting aspects of daily life with same day results and treatment plan. Available in person in Toronto and virtually in Ontario and Nova Scotia.
Springboard Psychoeducational Assessment
Medical and psychological evaluation plus cognitive and academic testing. Available only in Ontario.
These additional assessments can be added to one of our core assessments or are available to those with a previous ADHD diagnosis:
Springboard Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment
A mental health assessment focused on examining patterns of behaviours pertaining to social interaction, communication and language skills, as well as identifying any tendencies towards restricted and repetitive interests and behaviours. Pre/co-requisite: ADHD or PE Assessment. Available in Ontario only for children/teens. Available in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick for adults.
Springboard Memory Assessment
Mental health assessment focused on the evaluation of attention and memory ability. Pre/co-requisite: ADHD Assessment. Available in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
“From the moment we walked into Springboard, our lives began to improve. Through their comprehensive assessment, we began to understand a great deal about ADHD and the impact it has had on our family. Most importantly, we began to feel empowered rather than defeated.”
“After I’d struggled for a very long time without any understanding of why, Springboard finally provided answers and reasons in a trusted and comfortable setting… Thank you to the entire team for doing things differently – it makes all the difference in the world.”
“I finally feel like someone understands me and my ‘issues.’ As an elementary school teacher, Springboard has helped me not only in my own treatment with ADHD but has given me more strategies to help my (ADHD) students as well.”
“Springboard is a very special place… the staff are extremely warm, caring and helpful. I learned a lot about myself.”
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It’s life-changing.”