Not sure where to start? Give us a call or fill out a form and we'll have the right person call you back.
Springboard Clinic provides comprehensive ADHD services for all ages. If you're ready to get started, book your free 30-minute call with a member of our team to learn more about our assessment process and get all your questions answered.
When we opened our doors in 2009, Springboard Clinic consisted of three women: Dr Ainslie Gray; her daughter and co-founder, Laura MacNiven; and a business manager. Today we’re a diverse, multitalented and growing team of coach-therapists, psychologists, physicians and administrators — and the vision and passion that shaped Springboard remain as strong as ever.
When we’re not directly helping Springboard clients, we support them in other ways — along with their families, partners, teachers and healthcare providers – with workbooks, resources and other opportunities to learn and grow.
Ask us about our one day assessment options.